Bolivia SHG Organic

Boardwalk Beans

Whole Bean and Grinding Options

Bolivia is a rare, high in demand coffee from the Andes Mountains that is impressive and we are excited to be able to offer our customers a chance to try it for themselves.

Our organic Bolivia comes from the Yungas mountain region and is part of the ANPROCA Co-op. Roasted to City+ (Medium), we found rounded sweetness, becoming even sweeter on the cool. Brown sugar, cherry, and plum notes combine in this fuller-bodied coffee, while adding above average brightness. When we roasted a bit darker, the sweetness moved into chocolaty tones, though we recommend not roasting too far. This wonderfully well-balanced coffee will only please. It makes a wonderful morning eye opener or quick cup o' Joe on the go. Personally, we could drink this coffee forever and would be perfectly content.

Location- Caranavi Province, Bolivia

Altitude- 3,937-5,249 ft (1,200-1,600 m)

Varietal- Hybrid of Timor (Arabica)

Process- Fully Washed

Drying- Sun-dried patio



Collections: Coffee Offerings

Category: Bolivia, brown sugar, cherry, citrus, coffee, Organic, Timor

Type: Coffee